
RMA at both locations in Rheinau and Kehl is one of the largest and most traditional companies offering apprenticeships in the region. We offer interesting careers requiring apprenticeships to pupils who have finished secondary school. We want to counter the lack of qualified personnel that is so often complained about with a clear commitment to apprenticeships at RMA. We are convinced that an investment in collaborative education is the path to success in the future.

What We Offer You: 

At RMA you will be individually prepared for your future career in the individual phases of your internship. The interlocking of theory and practice is an important hallmark of this: you will work from the beginning in your area and learn its demands firsthand.

With projects and concrete orders from the company we will teach you expert qualifications as well as methodological, social, and personal competencies. We will support you as your potential unfolds and help you build your team and communication skills.

With the right aptitude, performance, and motivation, there is no question about if you will be hired on afterwards: of course you will.

What You Offer Us: 

You have proven yourself in school with your performance, your behaviour, and your engagement. You are motivated, can work in a team, and at the same time show a great deal of personal initiative.

Then take a look at the individual apprenticeships on the German Version.