High-Pressure Calibration Bench for Natural Gas Meters

  • State-approved test center for natural gas meters
  • Flow rate up to 13.000 m³/h
  • Pressure: 1 bar absolute up to 51 bar absolute
  • Closed Loop (independent of the daily gas consumption)

As a long-standing and reliable supplier and partner for gas supply and industry, we offer a wide range of products and services. Our “State-approved testing center for gas measuring devices” is a central component of our aspiration to be able to offer our customers a complete system.

In addition to a test bench with air, we also have a state-of-the-art high-pressure test bench for gas measuring devices. This high-pressure test bench is used to adjust and calibrate gas meters with natural gas. In addition, this test facility can also be used for demanding series of measurements as part of product development or type testing.

Large gas meters, such as turbine gas meters, ultrasonic gas meters and rotary displacement gas meters, are tested, calibrated and adjusted daily in our high-pressure test bench, which is equipped with the latest technology in accordance with German calibration law. For this purpose, RMA MRT has been recognized by the Tübingen Regional Council (Baden-Württemberg calibration and verification authority) as a state-approved testing center for gas meters (GBW12).

Due to the state recognition of our test center, the measuring equipment is subject to regular monitoring by the responsible verification office, which works in close cooperation with the Physical and Technical Federal Institution in Braunschweig (PTB).

National standards and other transfer standards form the basis of our test bench. This ensures a high level of safety and reliable measurement accuracy.

The following devices can be measured and calibrated with our test equipment:

Volumetric gas meters

  • Rotary displacement gas meters

Flow gas meters

  • Ultrasonic gas meters
  • Vortex gas meters
  • Turbine gas meters

Volume converters and additional devices

Accreditation according to international standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

The German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) has confirmed that the high-pressure test bench can carry out calibrations for our customers from all over the world in the areas of mechanical measurands, more precisely the flow measurands and in particular the flow rate of gases and the volume of flowing gases in accordance with the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard.